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Vinventions: Pioneering Sustainable Plastic Management in the Wine Closure Industry

Helping the world's second-largest closure supplier on their sustainable journey towards managing their closures' end-of-life.

Vinventions: Pioneering Sustainable Plastic Management in the Wine Closure Industry
On the path towards Net Zero Plastic to Nature: a pioneering initiative in sustainability with


Supporting Vinventions as they act towards Net Zero Plastic to Nature for their NOMACORC Blue Line closure range.

Vinventions, a key player in the wine closure industry, embarks on an innovative journey towards sustainable management of their products. Recognizing the need to address closure end-of-life, Vinventions successfully continued their certification under the "Net Zero Plastic to Nature" label for the second consecutive year in 2023.

The company actively engaged with South Pole in assessing their NOMACORC Blue Line range plastic footprint and has set an exemplary standard in the closures market by engaging in effective compensation strategies, including purchasing plastic credits from Second Life, for an equivalent of 50 tons in 2023.

By fostering a culture of sustainability, Vinventions is not only advancing their own goals but is also inspiring change across the closures industry, promoting a cleaner, more sustainable future.

Our Impact

Catalyzing Change: Collaborating for making plastic waste a resource.

Vinventions: Pioneering Sustainable Plastic Management in the Wine Closure Industry

Driving Change Through Comprehensive Plastic Management

Through rigorous assessment of their plastic footprint, conducted by South Pole and following the Corporate Guidelines for Plastic Stewardship, Vinventions has established a transparent and reliable framework for managing their environmental impact. This includes a detailed calculation of the plastic used in their Blue Line range of closures, amounting to 342 tons in 2023, with 56 tons identified as potentially poorly managed in destination countries.

Vinventions: Pioneering Sustainable Plastic Management in the Wine Closure Industry

Acting for the Environment and for People

Vinventions is actively committed to sustainability by integrating private initiatives such as wine closure collection programs that involve local community partnerships. These initiatives not only contribute to environmental sustainability, but also support important social causes, such as the funding of cancer research through this closure collection. In 2023, this initiative will have collected 80 tons of post-consumer closures.

Vinventions: Pioneering Sustainable Plastic Management in the Wine Closure Industry

50 tons in 2023

In addition to private collection, Vinventions has committed to offsetting the equivalent of 50 tons of poorly managed plastic. To achieve this, Vinventions has chosen to support Second Life's collection and recycling of plastic waste in the oceans and coastal communities, where waste management is often poor.

Vinventions: Pioneering Sustainable Plastic Management in the Wine Closure Industry

Key Takeaways

Vinventions' partnership with Second Life represents a powerful commitment to environmental sustainability and social responsibility. By securing the "Net Zero Plastic to Nature" label for the second year and compensating for 50 tons of poorly managed plastic, Vinventions not only reinforces their dedication to sustainability but also challenges industry standards, encouraging others to follow in their footsteps.